Apply to be a Gallery Artist 

Please read carefully below and make sure that you agree to these terms before contacting Carnegie Arts Center about exhibiting your work.  


1. Submitted original artwork in any recognizable artistic medium will be reviewed by the Exhibits Committee, unless it is part of an invited show or solo exhibit.


2. 2-D work must be framed and wired for hanging.


3. Work requiring special installation will be accepted only if the artist will be available to install it prior to exhibition. If other arrange-ments have been made between Carnegie and the artist for special installation, the artist is still responsible for providing all the necessary materials to install the work (i.e. magnets, Velcro, pins, etc.)


4. The Carnegie Arts Center reserves the right to decline work that does not meet framing or aesthetic standards.

5. Identification must be affixed to the back of each work giving the artist’s name, address and phone number, the title of the work, the media and the selling price. If the work is not for sale, please mark “Not For Sale” (NFS) fol-lowed by a fair market value for insurance purposes. If there is not a space on the work to list this information, then a numbered photo sheet of the artwork with the corresponding title, media, price, etc. is required.

6. A 35% commission will be charged on works sold. Artists or lenders should price their work to include this amount. All sales will be made through the Carnegie Sales Corporation.
4. Arrangements for having artwork delivered and returned to artist will be discussed and agreed upon in advance.

7. The artist is solely responsible for providing enough work to fill their contracted space that has been agreed upon by the gallery and the artist. 


8. Artwork may be reproduced for publicity purposes connected with this exhibition, including but not limited to the Carnegie Arts Center’s web site, newsletter, posters, announcements and other advertisements. It is also agreed that the work may be documented for education use. Photographs of artwork for any other purpose is not allowed unless permission from artist is received. 


9. Carnegie does not have special exhibition space to exhibit just one or a few pieces at a time. Our gallery space is contracted to exhibit specifically those artists work who we've agreed to show and we will not mix in anothers body of work at the same time.  If you do have just a few pieces you want to exhibit then a better opportunity to gain exposure for your work is to either join the Box Butte Art Society and enter your work for their Spring group show, or enter your work in the Carnegie's annual  Anniversary Show.


10. It must be also mentioned that we do not as a general rule exhibit work that is of someone's private collection. We also do not usually mix in an individual piece from a private collection with another show.  Finally, we do not exhibit re-production prints.  There have been special circumstances that through review of the body of work or the individual piece an exception has been made. If it is your wish to do so you must call the arts center and speak to the director so that the proper procedures can be followed.  


If you agree to the terms, please follow the steps below.  


1. Take quality images of your artwork.  Make sure the image of your work is centered, shows the entire work, well lit, and high resolution.  Images that are taken at an angle, skewed, poorly lit, over exposed, and low resolution will make it difficult for our committee to evaluate your work.  The images that you present to the gallery of your art reflect the professionalism of your work.  Please do your work justice by presenting the best quality images possible of it.  


2.  Create a document that will include your contact information, bio, resume, and images of artwork.  This should be at minimum a seven page document.  The first page should include your name and contact information (address, phone, email), and a one paragraph bio and description of your work.  The second page should include your resume of prior exhibitions within the last five years. Then you will need to create five pages that each include one image of an artwork piece, at the top of each page above the image it should list the title, media, and dimensions of the work.  If you would like to include more pages that show a broad range of your artwork, that is fine.  Please only submit images of work that are available for exhibition.  Save this document as a PDF file.


3. Email and attach your pdf document for review by the exhibits committee.  When you send an email with your work you will recieve a confirmation notice that we have recieved the document and when the work will be reviewed.  You will recieve this confirmation within a day if submitted Mon-Thursday, if it is submitted on a Friday-Sunday you will recieve a confirmation at the very latest within three days.  

Garwood and Skala Gallery Exhibit Opportuntity  

Our upper galleries are reserved for professionally exhibiting artists and our judged and jurried exhibition.  Exhibits are scheduled out a year in advance.  

Studio Gallery Exhibit Opportunity 

The  Studio Gallery is a great space for up and coming artists to exhibit their work.  Exhibition opportunties begin in mid Jun through Dec of every year.  Because the studio hosts classes for youth and adults, it is a wonderful space for your work to gain exposure with a diverse group of community members.  

Gallery Hours

Tuesday Through Saturday

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Open Sundays 1-4PM Jun - Aug 31

Closed Mondays





Wheelchair Accessible








Contact Us

Carnegie Arts Center

204 W 4th St

Alliance  NE  69301

Phone/Fax  308-762-4571


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Carnegie Arts Center 308-762-4571